隆成集团(控股)有限公司 (香港联交所股份编号:01225) 於一九八八年成立,专门设计、制造及销售一系列之婴儿及学前产品,包括婴儿车、婴儿床及围栏、软类制品、高脚椅、摇椅、婴幼儿汽车座椅、电动骑行车及其他配套产品。 本集团深信研发是我们的核心竞争能力,让我们能切合客户的不同需要,从而在竞争环境下保持领导地位。优秀之研发使本集团大部分产品均按原设计制造基准制造及设计,并拥有该等设计之专利权。目前,本集团拥有超过352种产品功能逾685项注册专利权。本集团是多间大型国际品牌的制造商。凭藉出类拔萃的质量和产品规格、自主研发之核心技术以及效率卓越之生产规模,我们为客户创造更高价值,因此深得客户信赖。 本集团亦扩展业务范畴,以「小天使」品牌制造及销售婴儿及学前产品。专为中国市场开发之「小天使」品牌产品现已於中国各大城市销售。本集团将竭尽全力发展以「小天使」品牌为重心的产品开发及营销策略。另一方面,本集团亦积极谋求扩阔产品范围,由初生婴儿至儿童都是我们产品的使用者,实践我们以提供质优、安全及功能卓越产品来丰富婴童世界的承诺。 Corporate Profile Founded in 1988, Lerado Group (Holding) Company Limited (HKEx stock code : 01225) designs, manufactures distributes a wide range of infant pre-school products including baby strollers, beds playards, soft goods, high chairs, bouncers, car seats boosters, battery-operated ride-on cars, as well as other accessories. The Group believes research development constitutes the core competitiveness of the Group in meeting the dynamic needs of customers sustaining our leadership in future. Our strong R&D capability enables us to design manufacture a majority of our products on aniginal design manufacturing basis, while owning the patents on such designs. We currently own more than 685 registered patents on over 352 product features. The Group is a manufacturer for major international brand name companies. Equipped with outstanding quality product specifications, self-developed core technologies efficient production scale, we create higher values for customers thus are highly trusted by our customers. The Group has also extended its business scope to the manufacturing selling of infant pre-school products under its own brand, "Angel". Developed specifically for the PRC market, the Angel brand products are sold in major cities in the PRC. The Group would place focus on product development selling strategy under the Angel brand. At the same time, the Group is also taking active steps to enrich its product offering to target for a broader range of end users from infants up to children.