5月16日,享誉伦敦香港的亲子家庭俱乐部Maggie Rose 在上海静安800秀剧场为中国亲子产业带来了不一样的声音——“家在身边,爱在全球”Maggie Rose登陆上海品牌战略发布会,暨原创亲子舞台剧《小王子巴力》上海首演。此次专为孩子打造的嘉年华式的发布会,同时也吸引了社会各界重量级嘉宾的关注,著名影视巨星,舞台剧皇后 刘嘉玲女士亲临活动现场、并全程观看了《小王子巴力》舞台剧,并给予了高度评价。
此外还有众多明星——洪欣、曹众,大咖导演以及关心社会的慈善机构宋庆龄母婴平安基金会,美丽中国支教项目等众多嘉宾纷纷到场支持,深刻感受了Maggie Rose为孩子和家长精心设计的创意亲子时光,也共同见证麦琪萝丝布局全球以及大中华区的清晰振奋发展计划。
On the 16th of May, Maggie & Rose, the well-known family members’ club hailing from London and with clubs in Hong Kong, gave a sneak peek into the world of Maggie & Rose, showcasing a unique family offering for Shanghai. Held at 800 Show in Jingan, it was attended by guests from all walks of life. The brand was delighted in particular to be joined by famous movie star and queen of the stage, Ms. Carina Lau, who came to the event in person and watched the stage play ‘Little Prince Bally’, praising the performance and actors.
A variety of stars also joined, including Hong Xin and Cao Zhong, famous directors, Song Qingling family charity, and Teach for China, both of which do fantastic work. All the guests enjoyed the creative, family-friendly atmosphere which had been carefully designed by the Maggie & Rose teams. There was also a press conference covering a variety of topics, including the brand’s exciting development plans in Chinese Mainland and beyond.
影视巨星 刘嘉玲女士(中)
刘嘉玲女士 现场表现对Maggie & Rose的喜爱
“I Love Maggie & Rose”
影视巨星 刘嘉玲女士(右)
Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁Shirley Jin女士(左)
Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin女士(右)
TVB知名演员 洪欣女士(左)
Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁Shirley Jin女士(左)
国家一级导演;浙江省舞蹈家协会主席;2008北京奥运会开闭幕式中心执行副总导演;杭州G20峰会《最忆是杭州》主创 崔巍女士(右)
As a family members’ club, it was important that the day was tailored to the children in attendance. At the event, children from Shanghai and Hangzhou watched the original family stage play, ‘Little Prince Bally’, which tells a fairytale story of Prince Bally’s adventure in order to save the goddess of spring. In the form of musical, children are taught courage, confidence, family affection, family and love, through the power of drama.
著名影视巨星 刘嘉玲女士(后排右八)
Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin女士(后排右九)
英国领事馆的高级贸易投资官 姜赟先生(后排右七)
舞台剧导演 王戈刚(后排左七)
舞台剧导演 赵欣然(后排右六)
国家一级导演;浙江省舞蹈家协会主席;2008北京奥运会开闭幕式中心执行副总导演;杭州G20峰会《最忆是杭州》主创 崔巍女士(后排左九)
为了真正做到原创舞台剧,从剧本到舞美、从服装到演员,完全是Made by Maggie & Rose,所有大演员们都是麦琪萝丝的自有员工,小演员们是来自麦琪萝丝各俱乐部的小会员和麦琪萝丝的小粉丝,在知名导演的专业指导下,排练多日,现场演出效果堪比专业演职团队。现场麦琪萝丝 将舞台剧向全球家庭在线直播,让不能到现场的观众也感受亲子舞台剧的魅力。
In order to bring the play to life, Maggie & Rose prepared every detail carefully, from the script to stage set, costumes and actors. All of the grown-up actors are from Maggie & Rose’s own team, with the child actors members from the Maggie & Rose clubs. Under the guidance of professional directors, they rehearsed for extensively, resulting in a professional performance. Maggie & Rose also live streamed the play for families to watch from around the world.
‘Little Prince Bally’ is a heart-warming story full of positivity, encouraging courage and persistence, and the importance of helping one another. In a mysterious castle, the princess of spring was held captive by witches; locked up, everything outside withered and died. The little prince decides to rescue her, full of responsibility and expectation from the King and Queen and goes on a brave journey to find his sister. Finally, with the help of our superstar Oscar, the princess of spring is saved!
历经15年的打磨,麦琪萝丝在此次发布会上让全球麦琪萝丝的粉丝们一起聆听了第一首全球主题曲《Time to be together》,歌曲将全球4位荣誉家庭成员融入其中,朗朗上口的歌词、轻快的节奏、清新的旋律,纯正的英式发音加上英伦风格的编曲,小朋友们一听就爱上这首歌。穿着来自全球特色服装的小朋友们,开心的敲击各种乐器,随着音乐翩翩起舞!跟着Maggie、Rose、Oscar、Bentley一起进行了现场大巡游。
After 15 years of experience in opening and running family members’ clubs, Maggie & Rose’s community had the opportunity to listen to their club song for the first time, ‘Time to be together’. The song mentions the brands four characters, Maggie, Rose, Oscar and Bentley, catchy lyrics, rhythm and family-friendly melody, arranged by British composers, who gave the song a British flavour. Children seem to fall in love with this song as soon as they hear it, and dance along with the music. The children danced with the four characters around the venue and sung along.
特邀英国知名作曲家——Chris Renshaw和作曲演唱家Mary Keith创作并演唱麦琪萝丝第一首全球主题曲。
Maggie & Rose were delighted to work with Chris Renshaw and Mary Keith, well-known British composer and musician, who composed and put to music the very first Maggie & Rose club song.
Chris Renshaw
A renowned British composer, Chris has composed work for children’s film and TV productions includes Thomas & Friends, Justin’s House, The Big Party and Alien Adventures.
Mary Keith
A musician and performer, Mary has been running Buzzy Beats for the last 16 years, an under 5’s music class at the Hive in Shrewsbury. She has composed music for shows at the New Vic Theatre, Pentabus Theatre, on Channel 4, performed on BBC Radio 4, at the Lowry Theatre and Westminster Abbey.
Maggie&Rose Club Song00:0001:45未加入话题

Family Carnival
英式创意早教是麦琪萝丝最大的亮点之一,经过 14年的英国实践沉淀、8年的香港市场探索,基于玩中学的教育法则与体验式方法形成独家早教体系"CREATE"早期教育理念。麦琪萝丝的早教课程因为“有创意”、“寓教于乐”等特点,倍受众多家长追捧和喜爱。
British creative early year’s classes is one of the highlights of the Maggie & Rose offering. After 15 years of experience building clubs in the UK and with 8 years of Maggie & Rose clubs running in Hong Kong, the early years’ curriculum, with an ethos of learning through play and the CREATE concept, have become much loved by families around the world, through varied, fun and creative classes.
The special preview event saw the brand’s four friends, Maggie, Rose, Oscar and Bentley giving a sneak peek into the world of Maggie & Rose. With the family carnival, prepared with the little ones in mind, families had a chance to enjoy exciting British early years’ taster classes, and fun games and activities to get a sense of what Maggie & Rose offers members in clubs.

Maggie’s Arty Party

A signature party, little ones got creative, imaginative and arty as they became messy masters in this art-themed activity.
天马艺术家—适合18月-6岁宝贝Messy Masters ArtFor 18 months- 6 year olds
With an ever-changing array of fun and interesting topics, inspired by world culture, animals, numbers, art, history, the seasons, and society, we’ve created one of our favourite classes, Messy Masters! In this art class, we cater to the different needs of each little one, to encourage their own individuality and creativity, at their own pace. This class can help little ones in their ability to perceive, express themselves and understand their own abilities, through their artistic creations, as well as vision, touch and sound.

Rose’s Afternoon Tea Room

Inspired by the brand’s ‘Little Cheflets’ classes, children made cakes and decorated them; cooking is an important part of the brand’s curriculum where children can understand food, where it comes from in a fun and educational way.
中华小当家—适合1-6岁宝贝Little Cheflets For 1-6 year olds
In our Little Cheflets class, we discover the joy of food, with over one hundred different dishes covered over the course of the curriculum, including both Chinese and Western dishes. Little ones will start to understand the world around them, experience different social customs and cultures, broaden their horizons. Through creative, hands-on cooking activities, we encourage our little cheflets to gain a wider understanding of the global world, learn table manners, respect for food and to know more about where our food comes from, revere nature.

Oscar’s Rock & Roll Studio

In this pop-up taster club, children fall in love with music. At the music studio, there were a variety of musical instruments to try, for mini musicians to get musical and creative with sound, with the help of the teachers.
小小音乐家—适合0-4岁宝贝 Mini MusiciansFor 0-4 year olds
In our Mini Musicians class, little ones will learn about musical styles and instruments from all around the world and gain an appreciation for different melodies and rhythms. As they get musical, they’ll learn to listen, identify voices, learn to play different instruments, and will begin to use music creatively to express themselves. Music will encourage little ones to get creative, boosting their independence and sense of discovery, and building self-confidence.

Bentley’s Green-fingered Garden

Inspired by going green, children become little eco warriors and learn all about protecting the planet. The brand’s character, Bentley invited children into a green-fingered gardening class and to learn more about how to play our part in the world, as little global citizens. Children learnt all about flora and fauna in this class.
梦想制造家 —适合2-6岁宝贝Make & Make BelieveFor 2-6 year olds
慈善与社会公益责任,一直是麦琪萝丝所秉持的价值观,这次麦琪萝丝更在品牌战略发布会上专门辟出一块爱心市集区域,义卖麦琪萝丝最传统的鸡蛋仔、爆米花手工饼干及各类饮品;同时邀请了来自全球的教育、母婴、健康饮食等知名品牌BE Education、Motherswork、Lego、Walkers、Steiff、多斐、playmobil、Weetabix、silver cross,圣贝拉母婴护理中心,并携手美丽中国支教项目和“小手大爱”艺术联盟,所有募集款项都用于帮助改善儿童贫困、教育、社会流动和心理健康等方面,为社会献出麦琪萝丝的一份力量。
Charity and social responsibility have always been core values at Maggie & Rose. At the brands event, Maggie & Rose set up a charity market area selling traditional British snacks and refreshments, including home-made biscuits. The brand was supported by various partners including BE Education, Motherswork, Lego, Walkers, Steiff, Playmobil, Weetabix, Silver Cross and Saint Bella. All proceeds went to Teach for China and The Little Hands, Big Love Art Alliance. All funds raised were used to help alleviate childrens poverty, improve education offerings and family life. In terms of social mobility and mental health, Maggie & Rose is passionate on these projects and continues to find ways to give back to society wherever possible.

Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁Shirley Jin女士心系儿童的成长教育,她深知每个孩子的童年只有一次,美好的童年可以治愈人的一生。
Shirley Jin女士非常关注全球儿童教育和家庭的陪伴,她也是杭州威雅公学投资人、董事;杭州维多利亚幼儿园投资人、董事。她用独到的教育眼光将麦琪萝丝品牌从英国引入香港,再带来中国大陆地区,目标是致力于为全球的家庭提供高质量的、贯穿中西的亲子环境,帮助孩子在成长的过程中,逐步培养好奇⼼和独特性,发展其全面的感知力,同时保留孩子童年的纯真与美好,在孩子成长的过程中慢慢地探索这个世界,最终成为⼀个胸襟开阔的思考者,一个快乐、自信、拥有创造力的世界小公民。
Ms. Shirley Jin, Chairwoman and President of Maggie & Rose Greater China, has always been focused and passionate about childrens development and education. She mentions that every child has only one childhood and offering the best childhood and family life possible sets children up for life.
Shirley Jin is a driving force in the education and family space. She is an investor and director of Hangzhous Wycombe Abbey school and investor and director of Hangzhou Victoria Kindergarten. With her unique educational vision, she introduced the brand of Maggie & Rose from London, bringing it to the Chinese mainland. Her mission is to develop high-quality family environments for children and families throughout the world to enjoy together, to foster childrens development, their curiosity and uniqueness, skills of perception and intuition, while letting children do what they do best, be children. Shirley believes that in the process of childrens growth, they gradually go out to explore the world, and eventually become open-minded thinkers, happy, confident and creative citizen out in the world.
In the future, Maggie & Rose is confident to about providing more opportunities and spaces for families to spend time together. In 2021, Maggie & Rose is expanding from 1 clubhouse to 5 in the market, with sites in view in southern and central China as well as internationally. Globally, there are likely to be plans for further brand expansion in Singapore, Europe and America, to make the brand increasing available to families around the world.

Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin女士(右)
Maggie & Rose市场发展副总裁 Kirsten Hunter女士(左)
The British team, who were based mostly in London, were unable to attend the event due to the current pandemic. They connected with the audience and teams in Shanghai, sending in their well wishes via video, expressing the brands message of families spending time together and the brands core values.
Emma Sherrard Matthew
非执行董事 Non-Executive Chairman
Emma 希望麦琪萝丝为更多的中国家长带来的高质量教育理念,并关注家庭生活产生的积极影响,始终以孩子为核心,为他们创造持续一生的美好记忆。
Emma hopes that Maggie & Rose will bring its club concept and British early years learning to more Chinese families, expressing the brands important role in having a positive impact on family life, and always focusing on the children to create lasting memories.
Sue Walter(中间)
全球CEO Global CEO
Sue wished Maggie & Rose great success in China, hoping for a visit to China in the future and for more families to experience the best of Maggie & Rose.
The brand is looking to the future to further solidify its position in the family market, and bring the Maggie & Rose experience to more families and most importantly, children.

Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin女士(左)
Maggie&Rose首席战略官 高峰先生(右)

Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin女士(左)
国家一级导演;浙江省舞蹈家协会主席;2008北京奥运会开闭幕式中心执行副总导演;杭州G20峰会《最忆是杭州》主创 崔巍女士(右)
5月16日的全球品牌战略发布会是麦琪萝丝的一个里程碑,我们无比坚定地相信,未来中国家庭的亲子时光一定会重新谱写。麦琪萝丝将以此为新的起点,邀请更多的全球的家庭们加入Maggie & Rose这个充满爱的大家庭,与我们一起见证Maggie & Rose爱的时光!
The brands event on the 16th of May was a milestone for Maggie & Rose, with an emphasis on families spending quality time together, whether learning through play, getting creative or enjoying family-friendly spaces together. Maggie & Rose will use this occasion as a chance to spread the brands values and ethos and encourage more families to join its global community.

Maggie & Rose The Family Members Club
伦敦 · 香港 · 上海 · 杭州 London · Hong Kong · Shanghai · Hangzhou
Rui Hong The Moon Club
Level 3, Hall of the Moon, Ruihong Road No.188, Hongkou, Shanghai
TEL: +86 17349790382
The Place Club
Level 2, The Place, Zunyi Road No.100, Changning, Shanghai
TEL: +86 15618903765
Highlong Plaza Club
Level 2, Highlong Plaza, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
TEL: +86 (0)571 82259597
浙江省杭州市拱墅区丰潭路380号 室外街3F062、3F063
3F062、3F063, 380 Fengtan Road, Gongshu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
TEL: +86 (0)571 87075097